@Matt R. The problem isn't just the knuckleheads running San Francisco, it's the airheads running the State. The 12 cent new gas tax, the $100 vehicle registration fee rise and the coming 67 cent "climate change" gas tax is coming to get you, no matter if you live in San Francisco or Eureka. It is still a minor misdemeanor - no jail time - to steal something worth less than $950. The cops don't even bother to show up to write a ticket. The illegal gang bangers are given sanctuary here and we have dead bodies to show for it. It doesn't matter if you are in South LA, Compton or South Lake Tahoe - the criminals know that are untouchable.
Soon, you will be limited to indoor water use of 55 gallons per day, but there are exceptions for your swimming pool and outdoor gardens. Sales Tax may soon be extended to services.
With all of this, California is swimming with a $9 BILLION surplus. The state recently opened new bank accounts, in order to circumvent a law that requires them to lower taxes when the state is drowning in money, like now.
I don't think my State Representatives are representing ME. But they seem to be representing the vagrants, who are all registered to vote when they do "outreach" and are driven to the polls. No, I'm not kidding: It's called the political "machine", or more accurately, the "Burton Political Machine".