@Antonio Bodley
I was stationed in the panhandle of Florida and am quite familiar with parts of AL. Where are you located?
You still haven't stated your objective other than you're broke and need money fast. Are you expecting someone here to write you a check? Didn't you mention in an earlier thread that you have a down payment for a house saved up?
Like I mentioned in an earlier post, you need to square yourself away before you start a new venture. I mean that by mentally and financially. Nothing is easy in life and it takes sacrifice.
If you need cash - you have a ton of plantations and farms that could use a laborer in AL. Bartend/barback at a watering hole. That's cash in your pocket every night.
Real Estate Investing is not overnight, its not cheap, and it takes time.
You received a lot of great tips and advice from some BP veterans and I even took some mental notes on them. It seems that you're not open to anything or have a roadblock for everything that has been thrown at you. It's time to "fight or flight". I wish you the best, but it is time to get off the thread and do some soul searching.