Hello everyone and thank you for stopping in to read this. It is time to "Let the fun begin". I just closed on a 3-2 concrete block home with a shop / studio rental last Friday 7/15/16 and met contractors at 5pm that day. After I ran to the water department to get us some water cut on Monday. Thank goodness it was only 3 blocks from closing. The little rental out back is 12' x 24' and kind of cute on the inside. It needs to be finished out and painted but it will rent with no problems. I could use it when I am down there. For an Office / Studio.
Yesterday, 7/16/16 was the start of the first project for the house, "Tree's",. They should be done today or tomorrow if need be. I am having a giant Laurel Oak taken down that is in bad shape and has a HUGE limb hanging over the roof. And a few smaller ones have already visited the flat roof a few time. So the Laurel Oak is coming down and then the two big Live Oaks are being trimmed and some other stuff cleaning up and taken out. But this was ONE GLORIOUS LAUREL OAK. It was sad to see it go. I do not like just taking them down.
On Monday there is a slew of contractors coming out to give us bids and a few on Tuesday. Then there is one or two more the next Monday and we will make a decision. I am just there to listen and meet them. Scott will deal with them professionally as contractors, not me. The fence contractor is coming next Monday and the fence is one of the last things I want to do, so the trucks and trailers can get in and out of the back yard without a problem. It is tight back there. The last things I want to do are the fence and painting. But the fence could come sooner. They can park out front.
My plans are to do the flat roof next, then windows and central ac. While that is being done the one bathroom can be re-tiled and spruced up. Once those are done then the painting and flooring can go down. There is also a little electrical and drywall work as well. What I would like to do is get the shop / studio rental finished pretty quick, as I think it will rent out pretty fast. Some of the workers were interested in renting it and one of them is interested in renting the house. A handy man at that. It will have no problem renting when the fence is in place and their own parking spaces show up. And their own gate to come in and out of.
Now time to see how long it takes and how it goes? I am giving the project a 66 week time line. I think that in a month, the majority of major stuff will be done. I will help by being there for some contractors to bid on the work and I can be there on certain days to let them in the house and I can hang out. But my GC Mr Scott Shelton will handle the contractors and making sure it is done right and up to code. And that is worth a lot right there.
Project #1 -- The Tree's - Removal of a LARGE Laurel Oak, trimming of a few Live Oaks and a few other tree's that must be trimmed and a few bushes removed. Most of the Laurel Oak was taken down yesterday. Well the whole top. Now it is the meat of the tree and it is still as tall as the house. And Oak is some heavy wood. Timber. LOL
More to come down the road as we go.