Hello, Everyone
My name is Ben. I am not a real estate investor. I have never owned any property. Currently, I rent a condo from my ex-boss and friend who, at 27, owns 2 homes - this condo being 1 of them.
I am a Manager / Chef working for a barely middle-class salary in the Healthcare industry. I have worked as a full-time, hourly paid employee for all of my adult life (I am 35 years old) and most of my teenage years. I've worked for a salary for a little over a year now but I digress. I'm tired of working so hard for so little.
I want to live debt-free and stress-free. I want to eventually work for myself. I want to leave my daughter with a legacy, but in the meantime pay for her education and retire at an age when I can still enjoy it.
I joined BiggerPockets because I know there is no "Get-Rich-Quick" pill out there. I know that with the right education, guidance, and fortitude, I can get out of investing in Real Estate as much as I put in.
The move to join this community is my first step in the right direction. I look forward to getting my education while meeting possible mentors and friends who will help me on my journey to financial freedom.
BTW, the term Financial Freedom I stole from a Seminar hosted by Than Merril and Financial Builders. It was a free 2-hour event that was actually put on to sell me a 3-day, $200 dollar educational seminar where I hope to actually learn something. I don't expect to get a "get-rich-tomorrow" plan out of it but I do hope to learn about the world of real estate investment. Does anyone on here know about Than Merril and his Seminar? What are your thoughts on using the 3-day course as an educational opportunity? I know he also has his own investment firm that is willing to finance start-ups. Being a guy who is still building his credit, that could be nice - using someone else's money. Anyway, any thoughts on the Financial Builder Seminar's from Than Merril? Would I be better off using BiggerPockets as a way to learn?
Again, I look forward to meeting everyone. As I navigate the website, read articles, listen to podcasts and watch videos, I'm sure I'll have a lot of questions. Look for them in the forums and other places.
Ben Barredoon