@Christian Rozo Great thread! I wonder how a room rental tenant with a service dog/emotional support animal would be handled? It seems to me that unlike a single family per residence situation, a residence with individual rooms rented could be an issue for the other tenants and just like a traditional rental, the property owner could not object per CA law.
“In California, tenants have the right to bring their service dogs and emotional support animals to live with them in many circumstances. Landlords and other housing providers in California may not refuse to make "reasonable accommodations" in their rules or policies if such accommodations are necessary to afford a person with a disability the equal opportunity to use and enjoy a house or apartment. This means that a landlord or homeowners' association that does not usually allow tenants or residents to keep pets on the premises may be required to allow an individual with a physical or mental disability to have an animal that provides disability-related assistance.”
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