Thank you all for your kind words.
Update #1:
I have been able to significantly narrow down the numbers of providers I would like to engage using two of the following metrics:
1) Class of neighborhood - About half of the reputable turnkey providers that have engaged me seem to deal with B-C range of neighborhood instead of the A-B range that I would like to invest. Well, that was easy!
2) Speaking of others poorly - about 20%-30% of the providers I talked to spoke poorly of either other turnkey providers or other investors! So like, as an investor hearing about how other investors are crazy with wanting slightly higher cash on cash returns turns me off to your business, because in the back of my mind, I'm wondering "Oh are you joking about me right now and the pig you just sold me?" Respect is huge in my mind because respect and trust go hand-in-hand.
The field has gone from about 10 to about 2-3.
In any case, thanks so much to BP because BP has been tremendous in my growth as a real estate investor and as a source of accountability for the providers I would like to engage. Once again, please feel free to shoot me a pm if you have any questions!
- Eug