Hey @Donald Brown!
Fellow house hacker here. Where are your investments located? It seems like you've made two saavy investments already. A property that is cash flowing and has significant equity and another that you're house hacking to only have $1,100 out of pocket. That is a GREAT position.
I think you should do some self-reflection and really contemplate your investment goals. You stated, "I want to continue building assets to create family wealth, retire early, and enjoy life".
Maybe you don't want to build the next great real estate empire, but continue purchasing more saavy investments every couple of years. If you bought another cash flowing property every other year, then in ten years you will have an additional five cash flowing properties. These properties would be building equity, amortizing loans, appreciating, and cash-flowing.
I think you are definitely on the right track, but I think your next moves depend on how aggressive you want to be. You can certainly use some of that equity, HELOC, CCs, or other funding options to purchase more properties. You can probably do multiple if you found GREAT deals. That is ultimately your decision.
There is only so much time in a day, week, month, year, so remember your focus will need to be divided up between real estate investing, family, and enjoying life. That is something many don't talk about.
Don't forget to take a step back and appreciate how far you've come. Good luck with your future investments Donald!