Friends. I have a situation where I am keeping my tenants security deposit and I would like your opinion on whether it is justified. On or around 30 days before expiration I called them to renew. They wants to go month to month, I said no and gave them a 6 month term and raised rent by $75/month. They signed the lease. A couple weeks later they told me they were leaving at the end of the following month. I told them that leaving early would put financial constraints on me, but that they could leave if and when I got replacements. They said "30 days is sufficient in real estate". Kind of left it at that. Now they are gone, I was able to lease with a 7/1 start, and I am sending them a default letter drafted by a lawyer friend.
There was a bit of damage, but nothing crazy. The rent was $1,975 with a $2,500 security deposit. I am claiming damages of 5 months potential rent, my time scrambling to backfill, actual physical restoration, and legal. I offered to settle for $2,500. Fair?