I went through similar exercise last year, sharing my experience.
Below criteria may assist in narrowing down options further:
-> Assumptions:
> Duration of ownership:
- short-term: is more appreciation a priority.
- long-term: is passive-income a priority.
> How easy/difficult it is to find tenants in growing, normal, and challenging economy.
> Mello-Roos, Supplemental-tax etc..
> Purpose: only investment Or, semi-investment (retirement)?
> places that would appreciate more.
- are there cities where property-values could double in next 10-15 years.
> places that would have more cash-flow.
> cities that did not go bankrupt during economic downturn.
> school-districts: are they a few miles away, or ~10+ miles away.
> which are the top-most neighborhoods in the nation to raise family.
> which cities have less probability of natural-calamities (wildfire/dam/flood/quake et..)
- Elevation from sea-level etc..
> would I be able to stay for 5 years in same property without change in current life-style. (movies, restaurant, medical facilities, malls..)
> public-commute, disturbance and other common criteria.
> Visit short-listed cities in person, at least twice.
> city population growth, future job growth.
> (if available) city's average salary, average house price, average rent (for 3/4 bedroom SFH..)
> is the city a prominent hub (tech/finance/ govt ..etc..), college-town, state-capital..
> Past data does not (always) translate to Future failure/success.
-> Accessibility:
Tracy is (relatively) closer to Bay Area, international airports, Fresno/Yosemite, LA
Sacramento is (relatively) closer to Oregon, Crater Lake, Reno/Tahoe, Death Valley, Fresno/Yosemite, LA, Bay Area.
-> Action:
I immediately changed my plan last year (2020), and switched to Sacramento, as previous city raised property tax (unjustified 1+ %) drastically.
BP forum valuable suggestions and above assumptions helped to narrow-down places-of-interest.
Decent population growth is also a positive signal.
I am slightly negatively cash-flow, but expect to be break-even (/+ve) next summer.
Appreciation: about 23%
> Disclaimer: 2022 cannot be compared to 2020.
Applying above based on prevailing & year 2022 perspective may provide answer on cities that you are looking for.
Good Luck with your search.