@Edgar Hall - All good questions. I believe, if it's an owner occupied property, you have certain rights to deny emotiational support animals if it impedes on your health or stay. You can find information at this article: https://www.justia.com/animal-dog-law/housing-laws-for-servi...
"A landlord does not need to provide a reasonable accommodation for an emotional support animal when:
- The property is an owner-occupied building with four or fewer units
- The property is a single-family home sold or rented by the owner without the use of an agent
- The emotional support animal poses a risk to the health or safety of other people, or a risk of substantial damage to property (but this risk must be specific to the animal and cannot be based solely on assumptions about the animal’s breed)"
Definitely have a chat with a local attorney to ensure your local laws apply, nonetheless since its an owner occupant, it sounds like you have some recourse to deny this request.