I’ve been convinced that I may have to start out in Real Estate by Wholesaling properties. However I’m very paranoid about following the law to the “T”, especially knowing full well I have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) which makes me mess-up the finer details when filing paperwork. This is not to say I’m incompetent, this is just me acknowledging a weakness that will either bite me in the bum or make me spend three times longer than the average person is to complete such a task just to get it correct (for example, if my mom wasn't doing my taxes for me I'd just pay someone to do it for me because spending three times longer than the average person or risk messing up is just not appealing to me). For this reason I’m having doubts about “assigning the contract” in the State of Maryland or DC. Thus, my other two options would be to Double Close or get licensed.
These are the Pros and Cons of each I can fathom at this time.
Pros on obtaining my license as a Realtor:
- I can Wholesale with less worries
- I can do more than just Wholesaling, I can actually be a Realtor for home buyers and investors
- I’ll be employed at an actual job which means I can start repairing my own credit (aka paying off my Student Loan)
Cons on obtaining my license as a Realtor:
- If I do any Wholesaling, it maybe legal but it will not be ethical under the guidelines of what it means to be a Realtor.
- It will cost me around $3K per year to upkeep my Realtor license and business status in a very competitive market for Realtors (I know it's competitive because my boyfriend and I just bailed out a Realtor friend of ours by donating to him as well as setting up a GoFundMe donation page to prevent him from hitting absolute rock bottom), and may cost me $3K to $5K to get started.
- It may take me longer than 3 months just to learn and memorize enough to pass a test, as I am very knowledgeable in real world activities but lack in test taking skills due to my Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).
Pros on Double Closing:
- I get to take away however much I think I can literally get away with in mark-up value assuming the market can bear it.
- I can gain experience in closing deals so I can start moving up to house flipping.
- It’s an easy way to avoid getting a license.
Cons on Double Closing:
- It’s risky, because if I can’t close the deal I may end up having to buy the property and/or lose my earnest money I put down.
- It takes more upfront funding to get started, as I will have to pay for closing costs twice.
- Legally speaking, Double Closing is a liability because it is more like selling the property which means you are held responsible for that property, rather than selling the contract (to my understanding, I could be wrong about this interpretation).
These are the Pros and Cons I could think of, please chime-in with your own as well as give me any advice. Thanks!