Hi, this is an old string but wanted to be clear on updates to this point... Rev Proc 2019-38 now appears to cover this topic and residential real estate long-term rentals ARE qualified for the QBID provided the safe harbor is met and such statement is attached to the return... correct?
Further to this, can an individual ("A") combine residential real estate rentals (two properties) held in a two-member partnership (husband "A" and unrelated individual "B") with other jointly owned (husband "A" and wife "AA") for purposes of a real estate "enterprise"? Or, would the p'ship be one RE enterprise while the jointly owned properties be another RE enterprise? Would the other unrelated individual of the p'ship "B" have to also do the same for his own real estate? Can one partner qualify for the QBID under the safe harbor while the other does not?
Thanks in advance for any thoughts you are able to offer!
@Brandon Hall @Natalie Kolodij