Alvin Sylvain: I think probably the best way to explain why some get tats, at least speaking for myself, is it's something I did solely for me (for reasons I won't go into), and not necessarily for someone to look at. Don't get me wrong, if someone wants to look at them, make a comment, etc....I don't mind. I actually have (2) face tattoos (eye liner & eyebrows) and another on my entire right calf. Self expression is a wonderful thing. Just like you like to express yourself with bare skin, I like to express myself with tats. I dress in business suits, rubbing elbows with the best of them, talking all educated, but I also like to ride motorcycles, dress in my leather, with wind in my hair. Somedays I listen to 90's big hair bands, and other days I'm an 80's gal. I have many sides. I think when an individual can integrate all aspects of themselves (business, home, church, etc) into one, they come out to be an individual very comfortable with themselves, confident, and intriguing. So, I guess my take-away on this is that not everybody gets tats to have someone look at them, but sometimes it may just be the other way around. It truly is a form of self-expression, and not so much a craze. As a matter of fact, the Scythians in the bible times covered themselves in tats, including their women, something they did to appear "scary and vicious" because both men/women fought in battle on horseback and used scare tactics like this to keep them from even having to go to war. When their enemies would see them coming, most would retreat out of fear of what they looked like. Not only did they tat themselves from head-to-toe, but they also adorned their horses in elaborate metal plates, basically "chroming them out" like a biker does with a new When the horses would gallop, the plates would shine and clash together, making loud noise, another scare tactic for enemies coming at them. So, you see, tats for them was a means of survival. Another interesting thing to throw in here is that I used to have a good friend of mine, she was a tat artist, that would do cover-up tats for women that had been physically assaulted in domestic violence, so they would never have to look at the scar their abuser put on them OR to reconstruct their face from being attacked. Just food for thought....;)