I just want to say that agents listing homes half heartedly with a "put in as little work as possible as long as I get paid" mentality is surely not the reason Detroit is in the current position it is. Seeing that this is a real estate conversation I won't dive in to the politics that have Detroit facing catastrophic failure. Keep in mind though there is a lot of money being invested in this city and it is not because the investors are idiots. I've had listings in Detroit, and I don't mind taking all the pictures of the interior and exterior I can because at the end of the day we owe a fiduciary responsibility to our clients and I take pride in my work so I want my listing to look better than the one down the block. With that being said, I do not want anymore listings or investments in the "slums" of Detroit, its just not worth it. Detroit is a very tricky area and it literally is a case by case situation or block by block I should say, I don't even get gas in certain areas of Detroit, that's just the nature of the beast. Other areas I would love to own property or work there, you just have to do your homework and know where you go. Also, there is a knock on agents country wide for not answering their phones or following up with clients, its not just a regional thing; nevertheless, it is unacceptable and it definitely sheds a negative light on agents. In the day and age of Zillow, Trulia, Gmaps etc, the average person may feel an agent is an unnecessary expense. I know I did before I became one. Now I know much better. Lol