I almost feel uncomfortable replying to this topic because its not really any of my business, but you brought it up so...
Get a marriage counselor then a CPA.
That said you are both to blame, not just you.
Read between her lines...she is resenting her situation, but it sounds like you also resent the fact that she grew up with money and you didn't. So what? Shouldn't matter, maybe you think she should be the main contributor because of that, and bc she doesn't know how to curtail her spending, the value of a dollar, Sounds like you are trying to give her a life lesson or prove a point. Thats not your job really, and she resents that.
BUT...You have definitely worked your tail off, with the acquisitions that you have done, and the research and seminars you have attended. Thats no easy feat either. She may feel left out, she may hate her job, she may feel guilty about all that , there are lots of reasons she is upset and it may not be about the money at all for her. Find a professional and be honest with each other. It sounds as if you are both using RE biz as your excuse for why things have gotten sour.
Often in life when things are going well we sabotage ourselves because we think we don't deserve to be happy, loved, and wealthy. But thats simply not true...its a false belief.
I wish you both the best, I would kill to have a portfolio like yours and I would enjoy every minute of it with my spouse.