Hi BP friends, great thread to start so thank you for that.
I am most thankful for my health, the health of my daughter, family and friends and my full time career which even though takes more time from me than i would like still offers me the ability to have some security while making the transition from W2 to financial independence in REI.
I am thankful for my 1 year journey in REI. The contacts I have made, the books i have read, the podcasts i listen to ad nauseam...
So far 2 buy and holds (one free and clear @Jay Hinrichs :-) and one syndication deal.
Thankful for having goals and a life purpose. "Next stop!, Multifamily"
Thankful for all the knowledge I've picked up along the way and the BPs forums, the people who have taken their time to help me and mentor me @Alan Siebenaler @Allen Maris, @Holly Williams, @Sam Shueh, @Brandon Turner, @David Greene and the BP community. The Forums are GOLD!
Especially thank you to my partner who I would never have had the physical and mental fortitude to keep going in this REI roller coaster @Joel Mendenhall, you're an amazing Project Manager.
And thankful that I have the strength and courage to listen to my intuition and judgement which helps me weed out all the naysayers and the negativity about REI.
Hope you all have a GREAT Thanksgiving and healthy happy 2019