Thank you to everyone who has responded. I'm seeing a lot of consistency in the responses.
1.) Vet out the sponsor (probably the most consistent response)
2.) Have a solid underwriting review and remain conservative
3.) Know the market you will be investing
4.) Understand the terms you are signing on to
I'm drawing a lot of parallels in syndicating multi-family and my existing role as a software sales rep for Workday. The transactions are built on Trust, Credibility, Solid ROI, Require patience, and an ability to deliver on commitment. I know there are other complications that come into play with syndicating (due diligence, renters, renovations, etc) but similar fundamentals.
I anticipate stepping into this syndicating world in 2019 with a partner and mentor who has done several syndications (I'm sure several of you know this individual). Our aim is to start small and learn. I've learned in my career mistakes are going to happen - no one is perfect. A person can minimize mistakes by properly preparing, paying attention to details, and rehearsing every possible worst case scenario (like you do with attorneys in a negotiation), and asking for help.
I really appreciate the feedback from everyone on this post. This is a pretty amazing community of people. What I like most about it is, you don't see people blowing out someone else's candle to make their's shine brighter.