Ok, back to the original subject of this thread...
I just got a call from a direct lender located in Palm Desert. They are totally willing to qualify my buyer/borrower, underwrite the loan, also advise me on the loan structure for my maximum benefit, process the whole deal (they offer loan servicing as well), put it through the local crackerjack escrow company that they always use, etc.
BUT... they won't do the qualifying, underwriting, etc. and stamp their license on it for just a few hundred dollars fee. They said that I'd never be able to find someone to do this because they don't exist. They want $1,300 in lenders fees (underwriting, processing, etc.) and 4 points for origination fee. All this would be charged to my buyer/borrower.
They said it a MUST that I do this (have an NMLS licensed originator stamping his license all over my documents) if I want to be able to foreclose or sell the note down the road without any problems.
This changes the dynamics a bit, and gave me pause. I queried them as to whether charging the buyer/borrower that much would kill any chance of a deal. They said that it wouldn't and buyers are willing to pay this in order to avoid the heavy screening and all of the requirements and needed documentation that an institutional lender would require. They said there are so many people out there with money and high income that are self-employed and don't show their income on their tax returns and THAT guy is my target buyer/borrower.
They said that they do this all the time and work with lots of investors on these sort of deals. They know the types of loans that are being originated locally and said that I should be asking 9.5% and 40-45% down payment. They said if I advertise in the Desert Sun and Craig's List "owner financing with only 20% DP" that buyers will be kicking in my door to get to me.
I'm going to look into this further and try to wrap my wits around this.
Any feedback on this would be appreciated. Marc? Bill? Dion?