REMINDER! This month's meet up is virtual. See you Wednesday 4/29 at 6pm!
RSVP Here:
Every Real Estate investment starts with finding the deal. This meet up is geared towards finding good deals, putting the deal together, and wholesaling.
Text 775 464 0999 with any issues
Pulling comps on potential deals. How to find ARV (after repair value) while underwriting deals.
Basic meetup schedule:
6:00pm - Attendee Introductions
6:20pm - Topic Discussion
6:50pm - Q and A / Open Discussion
7:30pm - Networking
8:00pm - Finish
Topic: Reno Real Estate Investors APRIL Meet Up
Time: Apr 29, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 939 9166 7084
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Meeting ID: 939 9166 7084