@Addam Driver Securing Multi Family investments typically requires heavier underwriting on the property side. When dealing with a seller you will need to obtain:
-Current Rent Roll
-2-3 years of Profit and Loss Statements
These are the two most basic elements in beginning to "pre underwrite" a loan for multifamily. In 9/10 cases the lender will require a certain DSCR or "Debt Service Coverage Ratio" to be met.
If you cannot obtain these from the seller, then you will either need to construct them yourself from piecing together bank statements and receipts (sounds fun right?) or move on. The lender will need to ensure your net operating expenses can cover the debt and they can't establish that without solid financials.
Lenders also have a lot of other things they'll consider like:
-Property Location
-Local Economy/Population Trends (Figure you want at least 25k people or be nearby a city of over 100k)
-Zoning - Building must be properly zoned for the amount of units it has
-Experience (you have enough experience to qualify for a multifamily investment)
The truth is there is no one size fits all answer because every lender has their own guidelines which is where a broker comes in handy.
Feel free to reach out anytime.