@Funmilola Oladini this is really an unfortunate situation. It will be critical for you to look at this from a financial perspective instead of a personal perspective. Unfortunately, that might mean taking a loss. It is hard to help you on this point without knowing more of the financials of the property and what your future plans are with the condo.
You could go through the process of lawyering up, but who do you sue? The HOA obviously is in the wrong, but there is no money left. Do you go after the people who were on the HOA? Do they have money? You also have to take into account your lawyer fees and the time it will take for this to get through the courts, especially during covid. Even if you were to win, you would still be in a position where the building is still in f'd up shape.
You could go through the process of deconversion, and go to an "every person for themselves" stance. The problem with that is that the units are all still attached and the value of 1 unit is still connected to the value of the others in the complex. 3 nice units next to 3 units that are falling apart is still an equation that leads to lower property values. If for some reason you are fond of the unit/complex, you might consider buying out the 3 owners that cannot afford to repair the building. Obviously there are many more things to consider with this option.
The biggest issue might be is that the whole thing might come to a grinding halt because you have 3 owners that can't afford to do anything, so their motivation will be extremely low. Buyout, at a discount, might be the only way to move forward to do repairs. But I am sure that this will not be an easy discussion either.
Personally, I would look to exit the building as soon as possible. You will undoubtedly need to disclose any problems with your unit and most likely about the HOA. It will be important to get out before there are any lawsuits. If you or anybody else gets into litigation, it will make it even more difficult to sell. Obviously, you will need to take a steep haircut on the price. But you really need to consider that potential amount of time and resource you will need to spend to get the property back into the shape it should be in.
In situations where people feel they have been wronged, it is very easy to get into a position of wanting to fight just to be right. The red mist of battle often clouds good judgement. Please be careful of throwing good money after bad...
Please post up and let us know what direction you end up going with this. I wish you the best of luck!