As a New Wholesaler, I am trying to figure out the best ways to conduct my time and focus on my strengths and rather outsource my weaknesses. I'm good at administrative skills, research, finding the buyer, marketing even though i haven't executed on the marketing yet) Weaknesses include negotiating, probably building rapport with the seller (I'm an introvert, shy, etc) although I have been practicing this is just something I'm not really good at. Anyhow my question is at such an early stage should I seek out someone to do this part of the job for me (Acquisitions manager, assistant etc.)? I'm not sure if i should be trying to outsource by business so early in the game but I believe that this would be the best way for my business to thrive and I can focus on just being a business owner and get into BOSS mode. How long did it take for you to outsource your wholesaling business? Of course I will make sure that I know all the ends and outs to every process before I began to try to have someone else do it so i can make sure their doing it correctly but that doesn't necessarily mean that I have to be good at it myself. I really am more of a BOSS and although I love the idea of DIY, my main focus is having my own successful business and I've been stuck on the idea of getting a business partner that can execute the deal cause I may not be as successful. Any suggestions? In the coming months I will be focusing on getting this part of the process down packed myself and my plan is to just keep my head and not do any outsourcing until I make my first deal 100% by myself.