Originally posted by Steve Babiak:
Originally posted by Edward Alvarez:
... One last question for this forum, who are you afraid of the most in question to bringing a lawsuit against you? the Buyer? the lender apporving the sale? the lender financing the end-buyer? or all?
How about anybody feeling like they got screwed when they see what your profits were? So that could be any and all of those you listed, just depends on if they are having that feeling ...
No ones getting screwed when everyone involved knows whats going on + they sign off on all paper work and its in writing...Thats why you disclose all this up front, even profit margins...(rule of thumb keep the profits around or under 10%) If someone doesnt approve of something then the deal doesnt go through. first off rule # 1 the seller cant make any money whatsover from a short sale so how are they getting screwed by you making a profit? #2 the lender who approves the short sale is apporoving a pay off its their final dicission, they dont have to agree to the short sale they have a choice, so how are they getting screwed? and 3rd the end buyers lender if they use a conventional loan, NO FHA here, is well aware that your flipping the property over but your first closing the first transaction with your money and you will hold title before you sell to the end-buyer. Now if the buyers lender doesn't want to lend the money then theirs no deal, but in all reality no ones getting screwed. I would understand if your hiding your profits but its all out in the clear for everyone to know and see. I know the attorney general and FBI are currently searching for Mortgage fraud, and rightfully so, but their is a legitamite way to do these flips, you just need the right knowledge, the right team, and the right intentions... Its called Transperancy.