To piggy back off what Scott posted, I've done numerous deals in probate. Most important factor is in most states you can absolutely sell the house at any point in time during the probate process. A lot of executors/personal reps are told they have to wait till probate is completed. I went to an estate sale one day and asked the Personal Rep, "So your attorney said the house couldn't be sold, but assets like these paintings can, how does that make sense? Isn't property, property regardless of the type?"
We both had a moment of realizing that the house shouldn't be any different in the process. Don't take my word for it, I'm not an attorney and yes each state is different but in Colorado I've talked to over 10 probate attorneys and they all verified this to me.
Disclaimer: This is not legal advice and do your own due diligence. Just giving my input. Just in case a probate attorney sees this, again, this is just an opinionated statement for entertainment purposes only.
(Ask me if attorneys got mad at me mentioning this)