I am in the process of researching development of student housing on some lots that I own right by a major private college. They have a big need for good quality housing. I am looking for some great resources and people that could help me in my research. While I think that purchasing a nonperforming property would be better the deals are few and far in between right now and I have land that I can develop on.
I am looking to build 25-30 bedrooms. This can be as SFH, Duplex, Triplex, etc. The land is zoned C3 if that helps. I am told by the planning department that I can build up to triplexs however I beleive that they would be open to rezoning in this area.
I have talked with an architect, someone at the school, and several other people locally but I'd like to get some more info. I am researching grants which seems to be a task in itself. Apparently it is very hard to get knowledge on this subject. I have found a few local possibilities on the grant front but I know that there are also state, federal, and private grants available.
Thank you for taking time. I very much appreciate any and all help you can give.
Adam Beckstedt