I have to agree with just about everything said above... some of the worst violations I've seen are in flip houses. My sister once rented one that didn't sell in NY and it was a mess. She called me because the picture window in her living room spontaneously exploded and the owner (also the failed flipper) blamed her, well come to find out this genius cut a big hole in a load bearing exterior wall for this window but had neglected to put a header in so when a big heavy snow came, the pressure was too much for the window and it followed the path of least resistance. this happened 2 consecutive winters. a home inspector would not have caught that because it is hidden behind sheetrock but if the work had been permitted, it never would fly. my point is that an inspector can only inspect what they can see and that many flippers either have no clue what they are doing, are trying to cut corners, or don't care. there ARE some good and responsible flippers but when I know a house has been flipped, I am always suspicious.