@Steven Thomas Thanks for reviving this post from quite a while ago. I'm loving the comments.
@Brian Gibbons Thanks for sharing some great Jim Rohn, one of my favorites to listen to for sure. There is so much good in what he wrote and spoke about.
Another of my favorites is Zig Ziglar. About six months ago I started reading his "Self Talk" card to myself at least once a day and it has made a huge difference. I started noticing the language that I not only told myself in my head but actually said out loud. I started catching myself saying things like, "You idiot" when I would make a mistake at something. That may seem like a small thing but the result of that I know was not good. I've since taken that completely out of my vocabulary.
Brian, I also completely agree with the point that while all this head stuff is important, that if we don't follow it up with action it won't matter. I've have resolved to taking more action and is making a huge difference. I always thought that it was difficult to find a deal and now I see them all over the place, they are not at all hard to find.