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Abel Curiel

Become THE Investor-Friendly Agent in Your Market

By Abel Curiel, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

Investors are not like your typical homebuyer. Here are some tips for Realtors to position themselves as the go-to pros in their market! Read More

Terrence Ward

Books that I have read and I am currently reading

By Terrence Ward, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

Book recommendation and discussions. Read More

Richard Arden

Need a Push to Take the First Step? The Story of my First Deal

By Richard Arden, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

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Billy Abildgaard

Coronavirus Impact On Real Estate

By Billy Abildgaard, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

Boston Real Estate agent's synopsis of the impact of the coronavirus on the broader real estate market. Read More

Martynas Fedotovas

3 Most Used Apps For Business

By Martynas Fedotovas, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

3 Most Used Apps For Business Read More

Antoine Martel

Supporting Your Contractors Amid the COVID-19 Crisis

By Antoine Martel, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

If you are in the business of renovating properties for profits, you likely rely on contractors to keep the money flowing. Read More

Marco Bario

Working With Note Payors in a COVID-19 World

By Marco Bario, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

Hoping your Borrowers will continue to make loan payments isn't a game plan. Being human, and acting proactively is. Read More

Shaun Martin

9 Facts about housing market that will help you sleep tonight.

By Shaun Martin, over 4 years ago with 0 comments

The housing market will survive CO-VID 19! I wrote this for my Dad, all he could see were headlines of doom and gloom. Opportunities abound. Read More

Todd Dexheimer

Opportunities Are Everywhere - COVID-19 addition

By Todd Dexheimer, over 4 years ago with 0 comments

COVID-19 has punched us in the face. Get us, dust off and be ready to accept the opportunity that will surround you. Read More

Andrew Reeves

Achieving Small Goals Towards Your Big Goal

By Andrew Reeves, over 4 years ago with 0 comments

It’s been a crazy and sad couple of months... but I’m keeping my eye on the ball and working on my real estate investing plan. Are you? Read More

John Livingston Bullier

Underwriting Changes: COVID-19

By John Livingston Bullier, over 4 years ago with 0 comments

The lending world has quickly responded to uncertainty surrounding COVID-19. Risky borrowers are the most effected, but what impact will this have? Read More

Corina Eufinger

Our Kingdom For A Payment Plan

By Corina Eufinger, over 4 years ago with 0 comments

In a time when payment plans are common, now how create a simple and clear plan. Read More

Gary Swank

Look Past the Glitz and Glamour!

By Gary Swank, over 4 years ago with 0 comments

Tips for looking past the glitz and glamour of online photography and text sometimes found in real estate listings. Read More

Wendy Patton

Baby Boomers, Stock Markets, Coronavirus, and Sandwich Lease Options!

By Wendy Patton, over 4 years ago with 0 comments

Many Baby Boomers are worried that there will not be enough money from their stock market retirements to retire or continue their retirement. Read More

Chris Prefontaine

Can You Structure a Deal in a Seller's Car?

By Chris Prefontaine, over 4 years ago with 0 comments

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