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Ariel Lisogorsky

My First Mistake: Large Seller Credit, or A Really Big Headache?

By Ariel Lisogorsky, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

Negotiated a good deal, but made a mistake with seller credit towards closing costs that almost cost me $5000 Read More

Willie Smith

Building Your Rockstar Multifamily Team With A Former NFL Player

By Willie Smith, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

You should read this blog because I cover what a rockstar team should look like from the perspective of someone who played at the highest level. Read More

Liz Brumer-Smith

The 5 Main Sources for Buying Mortgage Notes

By Liz Brumer-Smith, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

Interested in buying discounted mortgage notes? Learn what the 5 main sources are for buying real estate notes. Read More

Gary Swank

Buying Real Estate Investments - Part 4 of a 6 - Touring Properties

By Gary Swank, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

Tips when touring real estate investment properties. Read More

Corina Eufinger

Get It Done: Productivity Hacks That Work For Me

By Corina Eufinger, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

These tips help me stay on track, accomplish more, and help me plan what the heck I'm doing. Read More

Scott Pastel

Why Property Managers Hate Turnover Too

By Scott Pastel, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

It's in everyone’s best interest to have a good tenant renew their lease! Less turn over means more profit for owners & property managers Read More

John Casmon

Benefits of Passive Real Estate Investing

By John Casmon, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

What you need to know about passive real estate investing, tax benefits and the advantages of popular passive investing strategies. Read More

Nick Riccio

Getting Started Investing In A High Cost City

By Nick Riccio, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

Learn how to start investing in a high cost city! Read More

Chris Prefontaine

How to Take a Term From a Few Months to 10 Years

By Chris Prefontaine, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

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Jason Ridout

All investments are speculations. What are you speculating on?

By Jason Ridout, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

All investments are speculations. What are your investments speculations on? Read More

Justin Ignacio

Life Happens... 90 Days of Intention - A Case Study: Day 14

By Justin Ignacio, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

The best laid plans of mice and real estate investors often go awry. But there's always next week... Time to get some cheese! Read More

Jesse Martin

The two month purchase, rehab, relist...SOLD Fix & Flip!

By Jesse Martin, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

Don't take to long analyzing properties. Get really good at knowing your numbers so you can offer on a deal in 15 minutes! Read More

Carl Fischer

Private Lender’s Checklist: 12 Tips to Ensure Your Deal is Done Right

By Carl Fischer, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

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Tim Milazzo

Potential Deal Killer: Inspection reveals deferred maintenance

By Tim Milazzo, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

Deal killer blog series - avoid these mistakes to defend your deal Read More

Vinney Chopra

How to Be Super-Productive at Home

By Vinney Chopra, about 4 years ago with 0 comments

With many people now stuck at home, now’s a better time than ever to be super-productive. Let’s start with a few basic activities. Read More