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Reducing vacancy during winter months

Tuesday, December 07

With snow on the ground (depending on where you live!) and holiday music in our ears — many investors face vacancy issues during this time of year. Don’t sweat it. After more than a decade as an investor, I’ve learned 5 easy and manageable hacks to getting paid during cold winter months: Dete...

Multi-million dollar investors ask this question

Tuesday, November 30

There’s one difference between multi-million dollar investors and investors who don’t achieve the financial freedom they’re looking for. It comes down to their “who’s”. One mistake I made as a beginner was focusing on the “how”. Things like how to find markets, how to get more deals, how to st...

Solutions to your most common financing challenges

Tuesday, November 23

Financing is the most asked topic we get from investors in our community. Today I want to share about how to overcome any financial challenge that comes your way. Let’s dive in: Most conventional lenders use a debt-to-income ratio (or DTI) as part of their loan approval process. And you know w...

Close 1 transaction every week with this method

Thursday, November 18

Right now, most agents are struggling to find quality off-market deals and convert leads. Now, think about how much your business would scale if you could close at least one transaction a week? Or 52 transactions a year? Here’s the good news: we did the math, and you can. After polling our Aca...

What to do when it feels like you’re not moving fast enough

Tuesday, November 16

It takes up to 5 years of focus and dedication to achieve financial freedom with real estate investing. That’s it. When you’re just starting out as an investor, though - or if you’ve got some properties under your belt yet it isn’t enough to leave your full-time job - 5 years can feel like an et...

No deals in your market? Do this.

Thursday, November 11

Are you struggling to find deals that make “sense” in your market? Some agents would love to close more investment properties, but in high cost of living areas, most deals are negative cash flow even after putting 20-25% down. Not to mention these areas become less desirable to own in with the h...