If You could have Any Marketing Problem Solved What Would It Be?
Thursday, February 18
Today's post will be pretty straight forward but could hold huge value for you and your business. If you could have the answer to any marketing question, what would you ask? Better yet, if you could have any marketing problem solved what would it be? Being new to the investment world I would like...
A Profitable Marketing Tactic You Can Steel From Robert Kiyosaki
Wednesday, February 17
As a new real estate investor you can pretty much say I'm an easy target. I started learning about real estate investing because I am a huge believer in taking control of your financial future and learning how to build wealth. Now what that truly means I have yet to find out...Im just starting of...
A Little Marketing Mistake That Cost Me $750
Tuesday, February 16
I had a minibike when I was younger. This thing was awesome, it was like a motorcycle but on a smaller scale. My whip ;)This was before I had my drivers license (I was 14) so I really felt like i was the man cruising up and down my neighborhood with this thing. But enough about my childhood memor...
The #1 Reason Why Your Marketing is Not Working and How to Fix It
Monday, February 15
We are going to jump right in today. I will tell you why your marketing and pretty much most of the marketing out in todays world does not bring in results. We write clever, and funny ads that we hope bring in results and when they don't, beat our heads against the wall wondering how our prospect...
Why You Need To Read This Blog
Sunday, February 14
I am here to help.... I promise :) As an investor, you know the importance of marketing...especially direct response marketing. You have heard all the amazing things it can do for you... like-the constant leads it will drag to your doorstep-the vast amount of quality deals it will help you spot -...