Why You Need To Read This Blog
I am here to help.... I promise :)
As an investor, you know the importance of marketing...especially direct response marketing.
You have heard all the amazing things it can do for you... like
-the constant leads it will drag to your doorstep
-the vast amount of quality deals it will help you spot
- the promise of avoiding the awkward cold calling and door bell ringing on unsuspecting prospects
- the dominate position you will secure to become the "go to guy/girl" for buying and selling houses in your market
Which direct response marketing can do.
But you already knew that ;)
What you may be wondering is HOW to do it.
And that is why I created this blog...Im spilling off the brim with marketing info :)
This is what I want to offer the community....
A straight forward, no holds bar, blog where any investor can visit and find answers to their burning marketing desires.
This is how I will bring value to your life and business.
How will I be doing this?
Glad you asked!
I will be posting information on how to actually create DR marketing that works.
Everything from Headlines to Call to Actions... I will write it all!
I will post a golden nugget a day and encourage you to ask questions and IMPLEMENT that nugget if you believe it can help solve a marketing problem you have been running into.
So stay tuned, tomorrow will be my first post....you don't want to miss it if your marketing efforts haven't been brining in the type of results you have been seeking.
But thats all for today!
I will talk to you tomorrow!
Over and Out
-Paul "Solving Problems" Lawrin