Episode 11 – Frozen
Sunday, June 07
Similar to last week, I have not made any substantial progress this week either. I really wanted to do it today but somehow chickened out again. It was only a matter of making some phone calls and yet for some reason, I was unable to do what is necessary. I feel bad but not horrible. The only...
Episode 10 - Hopscotch
Sunday, May 31
Progress is tricky in this game. It's like playing a game of hopscotch with an unending number of turns and split offs instead of just one straight line. I think I'm making progress but it's quite hard to gage since everyone does this business differently than another. Truth is I haven't done ...
Episode 9 - Movement
Monday, May 25
Episode 9 - MovementThis will be my first and hopefully only late post. Reason being it's memorial weekend and I went with the family to the beach yesterday, on Sunday. It was a welcome break. I feel like I made some progress although it's hard to say since it might be busy work rather than ac...
Episode 8 – The Rejuvenation
Sunday, May 17
After what seems like forever, my cold has completely gone and I'm glad to say I'm back in full swing.. Although full swing to do what is another matter. From a positive viewpoint, however, I did managed to attend two networking events and feel like I'm moving forward. One of the events was a...
Episode 7 – The Feet Dragging
Sunday, May 10
As I struggle to write this post I’ve come to realized that I am now getting to the point where I am dreading to write instead of being excited to write my weekly blog. The process of falling off the wagon is so similar to that of staying fit that it’s hard not to compare one to the other.It all...
Episode 6 -- The Burnout
Sunday, May 03
Burnout as in tired and sick. And to be fair I’m not crying or complaining, just stating facts. I’ve been fighting a cold all week and work has been rough. So far, I have taken time to write my blogs and actually try to communicate my ideas. This one though is going to just be a straight repo...