Episode 10 - Hopscotch
Progress is tricky in this game. It's like playing a game of hopscotch with an unending number of turns and split offs instead of just one straight line. I think I'm making progress but it's quite hard to gage since everyone does this business differently than another. Truth is I haven't done a thing this week. My website is nearing completion but it's not like I did anything for that.
I told myself to work more on my mailings but all I accomplished was downloading a post card template. I think this coming week I'm going to reach out to another local investor and invite him out to lunch. Hopefully, I can get his help to sketch out a progress map. Infinite hopscotch is close but I think an even more accurate description would be a flickering candle in a dark tunnel. I thought I saw the light but now I'm stumbling again.
I think the stumbling will continue until I make my first transaction. Even then, even footing will still be a lot of work. Anyway, on a positive note my RE prelicensing class is coming to an end soon. With that out of the way I should have more time to plan and attend some networking events. I'm considering volunteering for my local REIA, it should help me pick up a few things.
That's about all I have for this week. Rather keep the blog more about actions I have taken and about to take then about plans, ideas and wishes. In general things are still moving though so I'm happy. The summer is here and the days are getting longer. It's easy to be positive when it's SO sunny here. Anyway, that's all I have. Peace.