Probably the only blog post you have seen today with no title
In order to hold myself accountable for my present and future endeavors in my real estate career, I will be putting my experiences and thoughts out in cyberspace for all to see.
As I sit here typing, I can't help but to think about my younger days. You know, those days way back yonder where you dreamed about being (insert cool job here).
Personally in my employment history I have had plenty of jobs. Let's see- I worked for a struggling mortgage company, a car salesman- twice for different companies. I also was a customer service rep for a company that sells music, and the list goes on and on and on.
Although I was not necessary a success in any one of these positions, I did take away valuable lessons and those jobs have made me into the person I am today. You have probably heard this before, but I believe you truly grow as an individual when when faced with adversity and your life isn't going so great.
Now that RE has finally found me I can finally begin to apply the life lessons learned from my past failures in these various jobs.
As I ramble on, my point here is this- There is a huge difference between how we imagine what are lives will be like in the future, and what life actually has in store for us. You are where you are in life because you were meant to be there- with some hard work and sacrifice sprinkled in there too, of course. I mean, honestly, when I was a kid I dreamed of being Superman when I grew up. To my knowledge I have not seen any red capes with an "S" on it in my laundry basket.
Thanks for reading and being a huge part in my success. Do you see yourself anywhere in the above paragraphs? Do you believe that your life right now is what you were meant to be doing, or is there more in store for you?
I welcome any and all questions and comments.