How the medical field can help you become a Rockstar RE entrepreneur
The medical profession.......real estate investing.
Two totally different fields, right?
In other words, on one hand you have hospitals doctors and patients. This ginormous (yes, that IS a real word, I checked) beast all working together to obtain the end result of billing insurance companies with as many ICD-9 codes as humanly possible.
And on the other end of the spectrum you have real estate, broken down into too many subcategories to list here.
So, what do these both have in common?
To answer that, let me give you some background-I am an Aries (not that I am into astrology or anything, wink,,,wink), and when I set my mind to obtain a goal, I go out and reach that goal at all costs. I do not let anything OR anyone stand in the way of my goal.
This way of thinking is how I first got into the medical field. I was just "fired" from my position as a mortgage lock desk person (Google it if you don't know what this is).This is a really high energy position that can be highly stressful if you let it get to you. Well, I was sitting on the couch one day when I saw one of those commercials to get off of my tookus and get myself in gear to become a medical assistant. Somehow this commercial peaked my interest and I made a simple phone call. Come 6 years later I am a medical assistant, and the rest, as they say, is history.
My daily duties at work include sending and replying to numerous patient emails, triage patient phone calls, assisting doctors with patient care, taking vital signs, etc...etc.
If you were to break it down, being a medical assistant is a highly customer based position. You have to be able to speak with another person with professionalism and give extreme empathy at times. You have to be able to connect with young patients and geriatric patients.Time management is essential, as I am constantly having to basically be the eyes and ears of the doctors I work with and make sure that they are on time to see patients that are on their schedule for that particular day.
Everyday I stroll into work with a smile on my face because that is the image I want to project- not only to the patients of my clinic, but to my fellow colleagues. I also know and understand that by working my skills and abilities to the fullest, these attributes can easily be transferred to the real estates field and will give me an advantage over others.
I have asked myself this simple question- WHAT IS INTELLIGENCE? Think about it, intelligence is merely a smoke and mirrors magic trick. Bering "smart" or "intelligent" is not some elusive trait that we can only dream to become. Anyone can become more intelligent if they read the right books. Talent is basically practicing something over and over and over again until you perfect it.
Obviously I am focusing on reading any and all materials on RE that I can get my hands on, but I am also focused on what my medical assisting experience brings to the table and how it will greatly help me in my RE journey.
The road to my financial freedom goes through the medical field, and I plan on burning rubber and leaving some serious tire marks on that road when it is all said and done.
If you have read this post and it has sparked an idea or thought, please leave a comment, as I always welcome open discussions.
Comments (5)
I guess it could be said that it is not what you have, but how you apply what you do have to whatever task you choose to accomplish. I like to focus a great amount of my time on my hustle and doing those things that others are unwilling to do to get ahead
Tyrone Green, about 10 years ago
On that we can agree :-)
Roy N., about 10 years ago
You can become more knowledgable through education (reading the right books), however the ceiling - but sadly not the floor - was a limit with which you were born. No smoke or mirrors involved ... unless your parents were in Vegas or Niagara Falls .... ;-)
Whether you realise your limit, or perform close to it depends on how you apply yourself.
Roy N., about 10 years ago
Roy N., about 10 years ago
Yep, I agree with your customer service approach.
It does, however, take practice to get the sweet-n-sour recipe correct in landlording. For example, I attach a list of local rent assistance programs to my 3-day pay or quit notices. I've learned that you can always show empathy, but it's equally important to show resourcefulness.
Looking forward to reading more from you.
Al Williamson, about 10 years ago