The ONE thing we can all learn from Muhammad Ali
Monday, June 06
Hey BP,As we all know by now, arguably the greatest boxer, or possibly athlete period, passed last Friday. I am speaking about a man of great honor, conviction and presence...that's right, Muhammad Ali.Personally, I began following Ali many years ago, not necessarily for his boxing feats, but mor...
Probably the only blog post you have seen today with no title
Thursday, April 16
In order to hold myself accountable for my present and future endeavors in my real estate career, I will be putting my experiences and thoughts out in cyberspace for all to see.As I sit here typing, I can't help but to think about my younger days. You know, those days way back yonder where you dr...
How the medical field can help you become a Rockstar RE entrepreneur
Friday, January 23
The medical profession.......real estate investing.Two totally different fields, right?In other words, on one hand you have hospitals doctors and patients. This ginormous (yes, that IS a real word, I checked) beast all working together to obtain the end result of billing insurance companies with ...
I hate math..
Monday, January 12
I hate math, yes I did just say that.If you happen to be someone who is fond of the mathematical universe, that's great.But personally, I hate it. I think it all goes back to when I was a kid. I absolutely dreaded math class. And when I say dread I mean dread.More so to the fact that I tried to o...
I told you so
Sunday, January 11
DISCLAIMER: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!No, I do not have much real estate experience.No, I do not own or manage any properties (I currently rent my own home).Yes, I have worked for a mortgage company (mainly stuffing envelopes with marketing material to homeowners).Yes, I have bought a "guru" program...