The ONE thing we can all learn from Muhammad Ali
Hey BP,
As we all know by now, arguably the greatest boxer, or possibly athlete period, passed last Friday. I am speaking about a man of great honor, conviction and presence...that's right, Muhammad Ali.
Personally, I began following Ali many years ago, not necessarily for his boxing feats, but more so for what he did outside of the ring.
First, let's take a look at his boxing stats: 37 wins by KO, 5 losses
Now, I was just reading the comments of a blog post memorializing Ali's boxing feats, and one person left the comment below. I will not include the name for privacy reasons:
" Kensington, United Kingdom, a day ago
5 The number of defeats. You can't lose 5 fights and be called the greatest of all time"
Hmm...I pondered this comment for a moment and can see where this person is coming from. Yes, he has 5 defeats...BUT he also has 37 wins.
Are you picking up what I am putting down?
This person obviously chose to look at defeat and not success...
Have you found yourself with this mindset?
I am sure the answer is YES, and if you said NO, then read the above statement again.
In my opinion, if Ali would have focused on those 5 losses, well, he would have gotten more of just that..more losses. I'm certain his mindset was purely on winning and success. Those defeats are only there as a learning tool, and without them those 37 wins would not have happened
Your mindset is key, and will take you where you wanna go as long as you fill it with the right fuel. Real estate and business in general are no different. Prepare your mind for the road ahead and the rest will follow.
Comments (2)
Tyrone, I agree with you that Muhammad Ali aka Cassius Clay was a truly remarkable athlete. However, I must disagree with you about his being a man of "great honor". His actions said otherwise - a cowardly draft-dodger who changed his religion to avoid serving the country that gave him the opportunity to gain great fame and fortune. I knew men of great honor! Those are the men who served their country when called, served with honor, many of whom paid the ultimate price, even when they might not agree with the war they were fighting. Every man who served is a much bigger hero than Mr. Clay/Ali.
Tom Cooper, over 8 years ago
Thanks for this blog post, Tyrone. You've drawn some great inspiration from a legendary athlete, and I like how you made it relevant to all of us. In real estate investing, it's easy to focus on the defeats since they take up so much of our time and attention but (just like Ali) we need to learn from them but focus on winning.
Kent Clothier, over 8 years ago