The Best Way to Be More Confident
Wednesday, December 10
Here is another great article on confidence! it’s public speaking or pitching investors. Whatever makes you weak in the knees–next time it happens, try this.Confidence is not something you either have or you don’t.Take m...
Wholesaling or professional fund raising?
Tuesday, December 09
I get this question a lot from my investor groups and meet up's I attent.How can I find deals to wholesale?I always ask this, why spend time on the "wholesale" game when you can market for large private equity, Venture capital and investment funds? I do this regularly when I want to raise some q...
Financial Freedom: Fact or Fiction?
Tuesday, December 09
In this day and age, most of us share some level of concern regarding our financial security. It took many years for the real estate market to show the current encouraging signs of recovery. In the interim, real estate agents fled the industry in search of more steady income. What many found duri...
Three Lesser Known Pitfalls to Raising Capital for Real Estate Investm
Tuesday, December 09
Any company raising capital for real estate investments from investors should explore the use of a proper securities offering to accomplish that task. While compliance options vary – most small and medium size private companies will choose a Regulation D exempt offering to solicit investors and ...
Advertising and Promoting a 506(c) Offering
Tuesday, December 09
Regulation D 506(c) offering provides issuers with the capability to engage in general advertising and solicitation of accredited investors while still retaining most of the core benefits of a traditional private placement including; limited interaction with the SECgreatly reduced preparation and...