Investing in Vacation Properties
Monday, January 12
Back in 03 I started buying up properties around the country in resort destinations like Vegas, Clearwater Florida, Santa Barbara CA, San Diego etc. I have around 12 properties and I furnished them and put them in the vacation rental program which usually returned my monthly costs at the least b...
San Fernando Valley Startup Entrepreneurship Accelerator HUB 101
Saturday, December 13
Are you an Entrepreneur, do you have a great business idea, a new product or a unique service to offer but just never got around to doing anything about it? Have you always wanted to be your own boss?Trust us when we say that we have all been there before and this is why we have created HUB 101.H...
Are you a noob/noobie/greenie... new real estate agent looking to...
Saturday, December 13
It's one of those little dark secrets that agents don't like to talk about and sometimes even frown upon... the dreaded discount broker! Every new real estate agent has tried it with little to no effect but why? I know exactly why, they did not put this marketing strategy in their overall busine...
Real Estate Related Quote of the Day!
Saturday, December 13
This one sticks with me!"You may kick my ass but you’ll know that you were in a fight."-Freddie Roach (Professional Boxing Trainer)You may go down but as the SEAL's say: Never out of the Fight!
Is flipping a scalable business or a short term gig?
Friday, December 12
People always ask me about how to get into flipping properties. How do I get the money, how do I find the properties and how to make a decent profit with low risk?There are no easy answers here but I always reply with, are you looking for a hobby that can make you some money or do you want to bu...
Flipping new construction contracts
Friday, December 12
With the rise of new construction popping up again the days of flipping contracts or assigning contracts is a quick easy way to make a few thousand dollars.Back in the day, 2002-2006 I would make a pretty good ROI by getting in on the first phase of a new development in the mid to high-end price ...