2015: My Year in review
Thursday, April 28
2015 has been slower than expected. This was due mainly to my move to Korea which has prevented me from acquiring additional properties. Also, it's quite evident that deals are drying up on the MLS, and I will have to use other methods to find them (e.g., public records, craigslist, and driving...
Don't get too comfortable with property management or this may happen
Friday, January 29
You can read it all over the BiggerPockets forums in one form or another: if you decide to hire a property manager, you must continue to manage the manager. Recently, I got to learn this lesson the hard way.You see, assumptions can be very dangerous.The old Russian proverb, “Trust, but verify” is...
Why I Hate Condos
Wednesday, January 20
Many new investors are enticed into purchasing a condo for their first investment. The draw generally comes from a feeling that the overall cost is lower when compared to purchasing a single family residence (SFR). I was lulled into this way of thinking myself early on in my investment career. ...
Lessons from around BP: Due Dilligence
Wednesday, June 10
The following list of items are things that an investor should consider while performing due diligence. All were found through forum and blog posts here on BP. I'm using it for myself, but hopefully it will be useful to others. Each of the items will affect the purchase price and will provide ...
2014: My Year in review
Saturday, December 27
2014 has been a pretty incredible year for me in terms of Real Estate. I couldn't have accomplished any of this without the help from BiggerPockets. It has been an absolute godsend: forum posts, blogs, podcasts, and new colleagues to name a few.I set a goal to acquire 2-5 properties in 2014. A...
Experiences of a "Relatively" New R.E. Investor, Part Five
Monday, October 27
So, I thought I would be finished for awhile due to the fact that I'm currently deployed. However, as luck would have it, I ended up finding another deal very close to the property I spoke of last time that I just couldn't pass up. I'm set to close on a 4-plex at the end of October.This propert...