2014: My Year in review
2014 has been a pretty incredible year for me in terms of Real Estate. I couldn't have accomplished any of this without the help from BiggerPockets. It has been an absolute godsend: forum posts, blogs, podcasts, and new colleagues to name a few.
I set a goal to acquire 2-5 properties in 2014. After I hit two, both of them 4-plexes in St. Louis, I had depleted my "investment" funds and did not want to tap into my "reserve" fund. I believe having a fund to capture capital expenses, unexpected maintenance items, and vacancies is absolutely essential. Though sometimes I feel the extra cash is burning a whole in my pockets by not working for me, it does allow me to sleep easier at night. I feel as if a lot of investors only consider maintenance items on a year by year basis and don't take into account for the law of averages. That's what makes the 50% rule so awesome. On average, your expenses will generally be 50% of your gross income over time. You need to keep your reserves in good years where expenses are lower than 50% to help in the bad years when expenses run over 50%. It comes down to Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. When that happens, I plan to be ready.
So, with that rant out of the way, lets look at the numbers for 2014.
Total Properties: 5
Properties acquired: 2 4-plexes
Purchase Price: $125k
Down Payments: $39k
Actual Repair Costs: Expended $18.5k
Expected Additional Repair Costs: $20k
After Repair Value (ARV): $200 - 220k
Purchased: 18 - 25% below ARV (goal is 70%)
Gross Potential Income: $40.8k
Cash Flow: $1100/mo
CoCR: 17%
Actual Total Income: $28.8k
Vacancies: 1 property vacant for 4 months; cost: $2.5k
Cash Flow: exceedingly negative :/. The addition of the two new properties should bring my total cash flow into the green by a large margin when they have been stabilized. This will be the first time in the seven years that I've been in real estate. Thanks again BP!
Equity: ~$150k
The good: met my goal of acquiring at least 2 properties this year for 8 units. This took me from 3 to 11 units or an approximate increase by 4! If I keep this rate up, things will be looking great in 10 years. My projected annual income when all properties are stable/rented is right at $84.5k.
The bad: My property in Ohio, which operates at a negative cash flow, had a lease expire in September. It has been vacant ever since even though it shows great. I think the biggest problem is my property manager advertises via the newspaper. Old school is not necessarily good. Since I am deployed, I haven't been able to use postlets.com which requires a phone call verification :/ I will start an aggressive craigslist campaign now that I have pictures from the PM.
Lesson Learned for the year: Have all your leases renew in the spring/summer to avoid lengthy vacancy periods.
Lets make 2015 even better!