On the Outside: Six Ways to Add to Property Value
Tuesday, May 13
The interior of your home is not the only place where you can build property value. Consider these updates to add value to your home by starting outside. 1 Landscape Taking into consideration your climate, your neighborhood, and the style of your home, consider replacing or reorganizing ...
How to Decorate Your Space to Look More Expensive
Monday, May 12
The thought of home improvement makes people cringe at the thought of numerous expenses. You do not have to suffocate your finances in a bid to make your space look expensive. The expensive impression can be created by employing a couple of tricks in your space. Paint Painting surfaces ...
Protect Your Property: Six Tricks to Packing for Your Move
Monday, April 28
Everybody moves at some point in there life, and most people hate to do it. Moving doesn’t have to be so painful, though. By following a few simple tricks and making sure to plan ahead instead of waiting until the last minute, any move can be simple and painless. 1 Label, Label, Label! O...
Five Tips for Remodeling Your Kitchen for the Most Value
Friday, April 18
Not only does a great kitchen remodel give you more space, a better cooking area and some lovely looks, you will find that it adds value to your home. Expert realtors state that when new buyers come in, the two places that they look for value are the kitchen and the bedroom. With that in ...
Four Costs to Consider When Choosing Where to Move
Monday, April 14
Moving is expensive. There are a lot of hidden costs to consider before making the big decision. Here are five costs to keep in mind. 1 Income Most people move due to a change in vocation. Is your new salary significantly higher, or at least higher enough to justify the move? Make s...
How to Check the Condition of Your Roof in Six Steps
Thursday, April 10
Professionals advise that all homeowners should have a full inspection to check the condition of their roof as soon as the winter season is over. “The best way to properly identify and prevent roof system failures is through a detailed roof inspection,” explains floridaqualityroofing.com....