I Don't Get It.....
Thursday, April 23
..I work with people from all over the country in helping them grow their Real Estate Investing business.What I do not understand is rather simple... why do people spend a bunch of money and learn the basics of the business or hire mentors and coaches and then do nothing to grow their business?It...
Start Your Day Right
Wednesday, April 22
.Top Gun pilots don't take off without going through their pre-flight checklist... how do you start your day?Tony Severino219-923-3000www.ThatIBuyHousesGuy.com www.TonySeverino.com .
4000 Post It Notes...The Results
Tuesday, April 21
. You would not believe what happened... Yesterday, my flier distribution folks came by an picked up 4000 post it notes ( 5x3 inches) to put up in one of my farm areas. They had about 1100 left after canvasing the area.So today we sent them to a second farm area...We also had students and non...