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Posted about 15 years ago

I Don't Get It.....


I work with people from all over the country in helping them grow their Real Estate Investing business.

What I do not understand is rather simple... why do people spend a bunch of money and learn the basics of the business or hire mentors and coaches and then do nothing to grow their business?

It can't be the lack of money... there are a bunch of cheap ways to market: simple fliers door to door can be done for less than 50 bucks, you holding a sign on the corner is less than 5 bucks... or have a
snowman do it for you.

I understand most people have other obligations, be it work, family, etc. Last year my 11 year old son died in August. HE was diagnosed in January with that cancer. Also during that period Lisa's dad, was hospitalized for 4 months with Leukemia. We still ran our business, and most people never had a clue that for 8 months my son battled cancer. Obligations happen. However, we have an obigation to pay bills. We work late hours when we have too. We were at the hospital each day and night for hours at a crack. We drove an hour each way to pick up Lisa's mom every day. It is tough sometimes, but you have to do what you have to do.

I know an investor who puts sign out at 2 am, simply because that is when his time frame allows it... He works a full time job, has a family and finds time to do what he has to do to get the job done.

People can make excuses.. but in the end that is all they are, excuses. To quote Dan Kennedy (
) "Businesses do not fail. People fail to run them profitably."

I intend this email to seem a bit harsh.... some people whine, and cry.... get over it, and just up do someting in your business TODAY....and

Go Get A FREE House!

Tony Severino

