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Posted about 15 years ago

4000 Post It Notes...The Results

. You would not believe what happened...
Yesterday, my flier distribution folks came by an picked up 4000 post it notes ( 5x3 inches) to put up in one of my farm areas.  They had about 1100 left after canvasing the area.

So today we sent them to a second farm area...

We also had students and non students come in and listen in on the calls. While the phones were quiet ( not very often) we discussed whatever topic they had... be it marketing, sales, paper work, deal structuring...

So here is what happened.

Thursday 19 call = 2 appointments
Friday 18 calls = 1 appointments

One of the Thursday calls we canceled the appointment simply because the numbers didn't make sense.

The others have about 70,000 in equity, on the low side. The folks that were there have the chance to go with me on the appointments and watch us get A FREE House....

What is Holding you up? Why are you not in this game?

Now Go Get A FREE House!

Tony Severino


Comments (2)

  1. What do your post it notes say? Just "I want to buy your house, call me xxx-xxxx?" Thanks!

  2. Where are you placing these "post it notes"? On people's homes?