On the first drive-by of these properties, I knew we would have to be somewhat careful about personal security. They are in a transitioning part of town and while the whole area seems to be moving in the right direction, there are vagrants and other wanderers in the area on a regular basis. We're still not talking war zone or anything close to it but it would be conceivable that someone might get ambitions that involved pawning our stuff.
Friday morning my husband and I went by early to take the winter cover off an upstairs tenant's air conditioning unit (don't ask me why it was still on in Oklahoma in June) We knew there was an extension ladder in the garage/shop so just drove up in the car, opened the shop and went for the ladder.
Before we had the ladder off the wall, the next-door tenant was in the garage checking on what was going on. He didn't recognize the car and didn't want strangers 'messing around.' Before we finished laughing about it, another tenant was in the garage, checking things out. It's like having a built in neighborhood watch and was quite lovely to see.
Comments (3)
Ok, keep me posted.
Al Williamson, over 11 years ago
Al - right now I'm just holding on by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin. Like today, when I opened the shop and ended up having the gas company shut the gas off to the shop and the upstairs tenant. I'm only online because I'm catching a few minutes of AC whilst waiting for the plumber. Catalyzing landlord activities are a few weeks away.
Deborah Burian, over 11 years ago
Deborah B. nice community you get yourself into. As you may know, transitioning neighborhoods are my passion. As a new owner, there are a lot of simple things you can do to speed the neighborhood’s restoration. But before I give you a laundry list of ideas, please tell me what role you plan to play in the neighborhood. Do you think it would be beneficial/profitable to play the role of Catalytic Landlord and quicken the revitalization?
Al Williamson, over 11 years ago