Getting To Work - Now they have to be rented
Part of the challenge on these particular properties is the garage apartments. They're perfectly nice as apartments go but I have zero experience in this area. Put the ad up on Craigslist, getting emails but so far no bites.
Partly for the learning curve and partly because I am exhausted, decided to make appointments with tenant candidates and not do an open house this weekend. I'm thinking of distributing business cards and flyers in the area around the garage apartments and then doing an open house next weekend. That will also give me time to have them cleaned and make sure the utilities are on and working.
I have been saying to myself for years that I need to acquire conversational Spanish. I think the moment has arrived.
Comments (2)
Hey Vicki - great idea. I had one Guatemalan family for years, until they bought their own home, and now they are my lawn guys. I'll gave to give them a call.
Deborah Burian, over 11 years ago
I had a Spanish speaking family for tenants as years. The daughter spoke English quite well and I started using her to help translate if I was showing other properties. I paid her about $15 to come along if I needed her-that was a few years ago. Maybe you can remember a contractor that you used that had Spanish speaking employees. They could help you out or refer you to someone who is fluent in both that would be willing to get a small fee to help show your units. (Make friends with the Spanish teacher at the high school?)
Vicki M., over 11 years ago