Seems impossible...two Years Later...
Friday, February 26
I guess the fact that my blog abruptly stopped almost two years ago tells you everything about whether or not I bit of more than I could chew. Short answer... took a while to get it managed but in the end we did. Now I know why I sometimes find blogs left hanging in the ether. In the next littl...
It's not all sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows yet...
Tuesday, May 13
I have a tenant, Mr. B. (I'm about to stop renting to tenants with "B" as their first initial.) We were working on the duplex last month and we were hearing a lot of barking. At the same time, one of the electrical contractors stated that he had been threatened by a dog. Excuse me, these pro...
Transferable Skills... Rent Collections
Sunday, May 11
This blog is mostly about my small multi unit but before that, we owned a modest collection of single families... life was quite boring with those from a tenant standpoint but recently, it's been more like the multi-unit. Fortunately, I still have my 'eviction kit' (how sad is that... to n...
My first virtual assistant, I think I'm in love
Friday, February 28
I currently manage 28 properties including the 10 that came on board with the multi unit purchase. Of those 10, 7 needed a complete remodel. Each remodel has been initiated as we turned over tenants. In addition, of course, the SFH company also needs attention. As you might imagine, I have ...
AWOL - busy renting properties!
Monday, February 24
It's been an exciting and hopefully profitable February. Signed leases on three, count 'em, THREE of my multi families, which will more than double that project's income in March. As the bonus event, also rented my most challenging single family home in February. Each of the three multi-...
Love me some tenant candidates!
Friday, January 31
Showings for a one/one garage apartment... Candidate one, 5 minutes before appt - calls me, "I'm here, where are you?" , me - "I'm 4 blocks away, see you shortly. Show apt. "How much" (we've covered this already) $495.00mo, $400 dep, $20 application fee. "WHAT! I thought the deposit was $...