To many times within to many industries I see the same thing. Be it a sub-contracor, an investor or even a small business owner- they get a large job and then they forget about everything else- the marketing, the other pending jobs, the other irons in the fire- stopped. Why, because they think they are saving money by not delegating and they do the work themselves.
How did someone who is a great deal maker suddenly become a tile setter, or a painter or even a property manager! By doing it all themselves-becoming the LONE RANGER, other things are going to give. Maybe its not even business related- how many diners are you going to miss because you plan on painting or you have to show the property to a potencial renter?? How many other potencial deals just went unanswered?
Dont be a LONE RANGER- know what you do best and spend time at that task. Delegate the other tasks even though it SEEMS like you can save money doing it yourself. Develope your team and stick with them. If your short on cash- work out a deal with your subs that they can earn more if they get paid in the back end with a smaller payout during the rehab- get a property manager that understands your goals and let them handle the tenants- DO what you do best and let your team do what they do best and you will be successful.